How to identify fresh and old eggs


How to identify fresh and old eggs


First put the eggs in cold water

The position of the eggs in cold water indicates the degree of freshness and age

If you pop a fresh egg in, and it sinks and sits horizontally on the bottom, it's really fresh

The eggs are sits fully horizontal on the bottom
The eggs are sits fully horizontal on the bottom


If it tilts up halfway, then it's not so fresh, but still is usable.

The eggs are tilts up halfway on the bottom
The eggs are tilts up halfway on the bottom


If the egg stand on the end in a vertical position and floats, then it is really quite stale, but it can still be used boiled.

The egg sits up at the end in a vertical position and floats
The egg sits up at the end in a vertical position and floats


If the egg floats on the surface, the egg is completely old and rotten and should not be eaten.

the egg floats on the surface
the egg floats on the surface


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